Here is a university project I particularly enjoyed working on and I hope some ideas here are useful some somebody else. The task: Computer Vision project with something to do with Face Detection. The project: Simplified Viola-Jones implementation (in MATLAB), from the ground up. Following is an overview. I won’t publish any code; you’d miss out on all the fun! First, reading and sources: Of course, the original paper : Robust Real-Time Face Detection. Viola P.; Jones M.J. (2001) And the material from CSE 455: Computer Vision Shapiro L. (U. Washington) (2017): Image datasets, more down to earth theory and implementation suggestions. Quick overview: Some “features” made up of rectangles are generated randomly within some bounds. One can compute the value of each feature for a particular image by adding pixel values under white rectangles and subtracting those under black rectangles. What’s called an Integral Image speeds ups computations significantly. The ...
Electronics & other personal projects